

Sopica has the fastest, most powerful tools and services available to either

  • Help you turn information into intelligence 

  • Develop the highest quality games

    Since 2004, we have been developing cutting edge leading software products.

    So-Rapid® our Data Analytics product. So-Rapid finds and harvests Big Data of internal data systems or external entities. It mines data systems and performers Business Intelligence.



    So-Rapid® provides a powerful suite of data analytical tools that may be applied to diverse areas from Payments Regulatory Compliance, to AML - whereever a business has a need.

    Secondly, the suite is used to find and harvest Big Data located externally by for example Twitter or Facebook.  Our product and services is available to anyone who is looking for the competitive advantage of Deep Web or simply data Intelligence. Whether you are involved in research, competitive positioning, protecting intellectual property—or are simply out to catch the bad guys, put Sopica to work for you. LINK

    1. Solutions

      So-Rapid for Data Harvesting and Business Intelligence

      This is a powerful data mining and business tool that can harvest Deep Web content on a Big Data scale and prepare it for mission critical analytics. Whether you want to access your harvested content through a thin client delivery, or you want to license and create or augment an enterprise solution behind the security of your firewall, the Deep Data Harvester can be customized for your specific environment.

    2. This is the best Deep Web Intelligence option for those who want total control over their Deep Web harvests.

    3. Solutions

      Deep Data Intelligence Services

      If you want help finding, harvesting, enriching and storing harvested data, look no further than our Deep Web and Data Silo Services. We can build a custom solution that combines the power of our Deep Web Harvester with the skills of Sopica's consultants – experts at finding, harvesting and storing content in data repositories and performing data analysis.

    4. Solutions

      Deep Surveilance Monitor® 

      This lightweight, thin-client solution allows a single user to set up your own harvests through any Web browser. With the Monitor, you can identify, track, monitor and alert directly from sources YOU target with keywords YOU create. Automated email alerts let you know whenever new or modified content is detected.

    5. Solutions

      For Regulatory Enforcement

      So-Rapid® is able to for instance capture tweets from the entire Twitter firehose unlike all other products on the market. So-Rapid is invisible and covert, and all you need is a web browser to access the tool. It provides real-time intelligence following only those users, keywords and locations YOU want to track and monitor. Tweets and other information are geographically tagged and can be exported to support more detailed analysis and investigation. 

      Or do you have a payments regulatory requirement such as AML of SWIFT payments or PCI DSS with regards to credit cards? Our product provides the perfect compliance solution.

    6. Solutions

      So-Rapid Enterprise Platform

      Sopica has developed the So-Rapid® Platform for companies that need the power and agility of a customized end-to-end solution. So-Rapid gives you the best data harvesting capabilities, combined with best-of-breed analytics, storage and visualization options, to deliver Deep Business Intelligence into your enterprise.

    Solutions by Industry

    Looking for a solution tailored to your industry? We’re building products to meet the needs of companies and individuals in a wide variety of industries including law enforcement, intellectual property, competitive intelligence and politics.

    So-Mega ENGINE® 3 

    This is our advanced and flag ship 3D Game Engine. It is a world leading platform providing you with the tools to develop and sell highest quality games.

    The 3D engine software includes sophisticated AI, rendering, terrains, physics, scripting engine, sound and much more. Our So-Mega ENGINE® 3   platform includes a comprehensive game editor enabling you to simply develop games using a graphical tool that produces a script which is deployed within the game engine. 

    So-Mega ENGINE

    So-Trader® Trading Platform. 

    A front desktop client platform that performs trade booking entries. The system implements charts, trade simulation and integrates with brokers. The system is focused on leveraging the Metatrader MT4 software to provide a bespoke client trading environment. 

    This enables you to run advanced custom trading strategies and benefit from improved risk management. 



    Contact us for further details.

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